North Borneo & Labuan Stamp talk
07/05/2019 @ 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Together with The Sarawak Specialists’ Society (SSS), we will be having a stamp talk on North Borneo and Labuan.
The talk is in conjunction with the visit of the top Office Bearers and Council members The Sarawak Specialists’ Society (UK). The speakers shall be from Great Britain, USA and Australia.
The SSS was founded in 1947 and was, originally, devoted to the exclusive study of the stamps and postal history of Sarawak. During the 1950’s the society expanded its interests to include the associates territories of North Borneo (Sabah), Labuan and Brunei. Membership, currently around 200, is spread over sixteen countries with the main emphasis in the UK, USA, Australia and Malaysia.
The talk shall cover various aspects of the stamps and postal history of North Borneo and Labuan.
Admission is FREE.
Those are are interested to attend the stamp talk are required to SMS or Whatsapp your name at 013- 880 9850 on or before 17 April 2019.